Of all of these natures, which one would you like to see ?
On May 29, 2023
If you were to ask me “Of all of these natures, which one would you like to see ?”, I would certainly not answer you. The stars have turned well, and their planets have turned well, and I turned well also. In a way, I turned my lasso enough, and I don’t have enough strength to win against this dullness and to find another way. Whether it is clockwise or anti-clockwise, whatever, I don’t want to find it. May I throw it without even an angle this lasso of dullness. To be fair, they are well oriented. They leave their jobs like the lasso leave my hands. Did the lasso choose to leave this way ? He ended up laying, exhausted, and I watched from above like a God. I had sent it here by sheer force of projection. And they had fled by sheer force of persuasion. And I saw little difference between my hands, the ones of a boss, people and my lasso.
If you were to ask me “Of all of these natures, which one would you like to see ?”, I would answer you and even do it tonight. Have you ever talked with the rain and the wind ? These two are very charming on their own. Put them, the both of them, witch each other and you’ll see how the most charming things can have the most annoying defaults. One is drooling on you, the other is throwing its heavy breath at you. It’s the same thing when they’re alone, you’ll say. It’s true, but what I’m talking about here is the behaviour ! Rain alone is melancholic. With wind, one can wonder why she feels sad when she’s in such a good company ! And if I must talk about the wind. How refreshing it is to hear it sing in the morning, but have you ever found yourself with this friend who always sings, even when decency forbids it. How the birds enjoy the wind ! but may he keep his voice when he is in meteorologic company, accompanied with an already creaky rain. Of course, I like her but I wouldn’t hesitate to say how annoying, and truly tiresome, she can be. She only thinks about herself, and the whole world around her should almost live depending on her crises. I need to go back ! I was telling you about all of this so that you would avoid thinking that the most charming sceneries are the most appreciable ! We are talking about meetings, aren’t we ? If I had to meet the wind, I would find myself in trouble if he were to be in a bad mood and for me to feel in every breath that he takes only the worst feelings and the biggest disruptions. And I will not talk any more than this about the rain… What nature would I like to meet ? Which nature would I want to talk to, you mean…
Yes, you should, in this question/answer exchange, ask me this question !
If you were to ask me “Of all of these natures, with which one would you like to chat ?”, I would answer you even before the evening ! But I must… They are not very talkative, you know… Often, we must beat the truth out of the plants or the birds. And it’s often like this that a poet hurts itself, by beating a bird. But do not mistake yourself, some speak very easily. Maybe even too much. The sun is a chatterbox and I already told you about the unstopping flute of the wind. To hear them is one thing, to talk to them is another. The sky, everyone hears it since everyone sees it but try to see if the sky will ever answer.