A slight unease at St-Léger Les Mélèzes
On May 22, 2023
This too shall pass
Rendez-vous at 10 p.m. in the patio, of course it was planned, the 15 telecommian minutes are resilient, so we end up leaving at 11 p.m.
People are afraid: the weather forecast is very uncertain. The positivity of the members of the BDE manages to convince even Samy.
There is confusion regarding the bus distribution. Last-minute changes, and a few lucky ones will be able to sleep on two seats tonight. As for the others…
Well, it’s 9 a.m., we get off the bus in the fog and cold. Tired faces, the night was restless. We rush to have breakfast. But will we have lunch?
Of course! If the weather tries to harm us, the WEFA organizers have taken care of everything else. We’re in good hands. Jules is firm when he dictates the rules of the weekend to the assembly. Beware of anyone who intends to break the 3 indisputable rules of the trip… Maybe you want a one-way ticket to Gap station?
1 p.m., tree climbing? Um, yeah, let’s take a nap before. There are those who are ready for action, ready to face the most demanding circuits, and those who are chasing after the bus. Bravo Cilia for completing the red circuit! The driver panics. He is not allowed to drive after 6 p.m., time is running out, and some people are not in the return bus yet. Valerio tries everything, struggling with an impatient and anxious driver. Everyone is saved In Extremis.
Cheese!! And especially Époisses, please. Another Telefrom masterclass, for sure. Apologies to the lactose intolerants, but tonight it’s tartiflette, with an extra cheese board. Bon appétit!
The atmosphere at the table is electric. Seats are chosen by shotgun, those who arrive too late will have to face the challenge of sitting at a table with strangers (just kidding, you’re lovely Wissem, it was a pleasure to meet you ❤️).
Each table has its bottle of wine, thank goodness. After fifteen minutes, the “Ma Bite”s begin. One by one, the members of the BDE, of the Bar, take jabs at each other. Crisis micro-meetings are held after each punchline to come up with a response. It’s basically 2A against nainAs, although Victor manages to unite everyone against him.
It’s a beautiful cottage, although there are fewer electrical outlets per person than sober individuals, but we have lovely vintage classrooms with beautiful old-fashioned chalkboards. We play board games, complete challenges from the BDS organizers (shout out to Samy and Chloé, who probably spent more time on their computers than exercising, precisely). There are also improvised math, physics, and computer science quizzes (The ENS exercise was incredible, Hippolyte).
The first evening is chill, we recharge our energy, but the next evening promises to be epic.
The stage is quickly set thanks to Tristan’s iron will and the TSM board.
Well, the weather is better than expected, we have some sunny intervals. But 10 a.m. for rafting???
The days between the evenings are actually periods of consultation between clans to prepare for the most technical “Ma Bite” challenges. For some nainAs, it’s a shame that a day only lasts 24 hours when witnessing their performances. Do you really want to clash with Anas?
Charles assassinates, Anas eliminates, the nainAs keep a low profile. Sacrifices are made for every reason. The count of sips is subjective (110 sips, Lucas, really?).
The sun sets on the second day, it’s the perfect time for a campfire. The embers warm our hearts, light cigarettes, fuel questionable ideas in people who seem very sure of themselves. It promises to be a great evening.
The second evening is indeed memorable. A bar meeting turns into a fight, BDE members are surprisingly energetic (that’s strange), the BDS pushes its alcohol limits, we surpass all limits in “Limite Limite.” A particularly challenging riddle spreads, a story of murder and cigarettes (think about the windows). Xavier, the master of mystery, poses it to you in English with a delightful accent if you ask. And at bedtime, our aspiring bartenders reward the exhausted promotion seeking a short rest before the next day with one last surprise. A sound and floor choreography show for each room.
Last activities today. Tonight, the last evening of the weekend, the last Bedias party. Will it be even more eventful than the previous one?
But before that, the lake! Paddleboarding and kayaking for everyone, from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. TSM brings the turntables to the waterfront, Anas is in control. Yanis and Victor show off their drone piloting skills. Osiris and César juggle, Lucas invents a Werewolf game in the world of Telecom, but Lucas, we’re on vacation, wtf!?
Upon returning on the bus, a group photo with everyone. Two promotions and a concentrated history of associations in one place. Thank you, Victor and Adrien.
Valiant soldiers missed the photo to prepare a Snax/TéléBreizh apero for us. Not all heroes wear capes, some wear a Forum blazer.
A new series of deadly “Ma Bite” challenges during the meal, a tactical nap, and off we go. The evening is going to be long, many won’t sleep tonight. By morning, we must have disappeared. It’s midnight, the nainAs have prepared a surprise for us. Everyone gathers in front of the projector installed in the evening hall. A one-minute video, images scrolling under melancholic music. We see members of the old BDE, the new one, the 2A students, and the nainAs, all at the same time. A memory of all the good times. It’s too much, tears flow, people embrace each other. We thank each other, we say we love each other. There’s a special atmosphere in the cottage.
Quickly, a small group forms outside the cottage, initially mostly the Bar, then the BDE, then a bit of everyone. “Ma Bite” jokes start flying. In reality, it’s a giant purge that is being prepared. For over an hour, jabs, clashes, responses, sacrifices. The words are harsh, the attacks targeted, the words carefully chosen. He tried, and he failed. Too bad, it’s his turn, the wine box is empty, we replace it. People shout, climb on tables. So-and-so responds to defend so-and-so, so-and-so throws quits. The international students join in. Pedro, then Mauro, everyone takes a turn, everyone drinks. Even the pure souls overflowing with goodness are targeted. Andurao, Thomasset, Cilia, Axalia, did you think they were untouchable? That’s without counting on the vice of which man is capable. The fire alarm went off, was it you, Maxdel?
It’s over, let’s clean up! From 6 a.m. to 9 a.m., it’s military discipline for some, desertion for others. We manage to empty everything before 9 a.m. Let’s not forget the cramptés especially. No trace of our presence here, except for a few chairs that bear the mark of the persuasive force of some valiant warriors. And the ecocups too, well, anyway.
Breakfast will be small for some, the timing is tight. We anxiously wait on the lawn in front of the cottage. It’s time for the group photo, we have to spell out “WEFA” in the grass with humans. These brilliant engineers won’t need more than 20 minutes to organize themselves perfectly, except for Ruland apparently. Shoutout to Team E, we’re the best. But try shouting “w” in unison, it’s a lost cause. Jules takes the floor. These are his final words as the mafiaBED president. He thanks all the associations for their work, collaboration, and commitment.
It’s the end. In a few weeks, all these people, so close, gathered in the same place, will be separated by kilometers, highways, seas, oceans. After 2 years of intense shared life, filled with events, campaigns, parties, weekends, French and international villages, binouzes, Lundis France, BDE meetings, a paper bridge that miraculously held, an injured speaker, these people who have learned to live together daily will part ways. They, who united for a common goal, will now take different paths.
We will meet again.
Fatigue. Joy. Sadness. Laughter and tears, jokes and embraces follow one another. The buses finally depart.
The Bedias took us to St Léger les Mélèzes, the Scarabeds bring us back to Palaiseau.
The BDE is dead, long live the BDE.
It’s up to you, the “Scarabeds du Nil.” Your 2A students have given their all for a year. You have now taken their place. The Telecom students elected you based on your promise to continue the efforts for a richer associative life and better inclusion for everyone.
As a famous politician once said:
“Do better, thank you.”
The WEFA organizers pushed through despite the fatigue, and the trucks arrived before the buses. When we got off the buses, everything was already packed up. Congratulations, guys, you gave your energy and sleep for a WEFA whose organization was very complicated.