A swim under the X-light
Report on the swim of a NainA
Par Forum West Enthusiast
Forty minutes past midnight, the hour of all that is forbidden. I come closer to the cloudy water, yet so serene, of the lake. Calm reigns in these plains, troubled only by the occasional noise of wildlife, frightened by the presence of a stranger in this place. The road to get here, which is long and inhospitable, made me realise the ban I’m crossing. Taking off my pants and my shoes covered with needles of the local flora, hostile to the passage of members of the lists; I’m thinking about my MDI104 class, which awaits me tomorrow at 8.30 sharp.
Forty-one minutes pas midnight, my stuff lying on the ground, I ask my classmate to take out his phone. The cold of the night was biting my skin, but it’s too late to turn back : I must dive in, for the West and the cowboys !
Forty-two minutes past midnight, after a dubious joke, I finally start to dive in the lake. The water is obviously muddy, but the temperature is surprisingly pleasant, notwithstanding the smell of the water, which quickly reminds me of the mire I’m sinking into. A duck alarmed by my sudden appearance quickly reminds me that the camera is recording. Taking advantage of the situation, I’m launching the promotion of our Instagram page @forum_west (Subscribe !!!!). Afterwards, I came out very quickly, disgusted but strangely reinvigorated of this late night swim.
Once out of the water, I paused for a moment, feeling the air on my skin, feeling reconnected to the nature of the plateau - a connection quickly ruptured by the cold and mud that washed over me. It’s decided : next year, the NainAs will dive there too !