Lettre Hebdomadaire
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Post-PACT Acquired Depression Syndrome (DAPPACT)

On June 6, 2023


A single-disciplinary multifaceted team of researchers from the WN (Telecom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France) has shed light on a syndrome within the realm of temporary depressions associated with a significant correlation (p=0.01) upon completion of the PACT’s PAN4.


The PACT is a long-term project; it is an intellectual, human, and organizational marathon. It requires managing technical aspects and purely material difficulties over a period of several months, mixed with social considerations such as workload distribution, module complementarity, integration fluidity, and respect for potentially divergent visions within the team. It demands great discipline, tolerance for failure and frustration. Various capacities are solicited, and they can be continuously used during the project’s duration for serious individuals, while for the remaining 99%, all reserves are drained in the final week. This is not without consequences on students’ well-being.


The symptoms are as follows:

It is surprising to note that these symptoms are found in most subjects, whether they have worked consistently throughout or only in the final moments.

According to Ferris (2016), a significant portion of neurological tension arises from the ongoing conflict between the monkey of instant gratification and the monster of panic, two parts of the brain with clearly opposing functions.

Upon finalizing the PACT, these two parts of the brain, which previously consumed a considerable amount of energy produced by the body’s cells, come to a forced halt. This results in a dramatic decrease in energy production, leading to a state of general fatigue and demotivation.

For those who are less hardworking, the guilt dragon plays the same role as the two aforementioned parts. And for those who have no remorse and regret nothing, the alcohol from the parties does the trick. In short, everyone is dead, and it’s exam season. Glhf.


The body is a complex machine, and the processes that drive life are still not fully understood. However, it is certain that the PACT is an arduous test (Dufour).

Reference: Link to a YouTube video