Peek at the Gala 2023
On April 1, 2023
Party rock is in the house tonight
For those who missed the only night of the year that forces the télécomiens to wear something else than the classical blue-jeans-t-shirt combo picked in the dark, let’s sum up the Gala (succintly, for I am currently hung over and have better things to do, like sleeping).
The thought put in each piece of clothing is simply astounding. Bow ties, floor length dresses, high heels and polished shoes replace the good ol’ sweatshirts and sneakers of our schoolmates, and compliments, given with star-filled eyes and delighted surprise, are pouring in on the dancefloor. Classy outfits as rarely seen in Tétech : shout out to Orcibal and his tiara, you should put it on more often.
Then comes the flabbergasting discovery that most télécomiens actually have a girlfriend, in spite of all logic. No offense, but: where did you meet chicks with your life choices???
After a slow start wisely employed by eating tuna sandwiches and cheese platters - the télécommien loves free food - the party gets on. The DJs gives their best perf on a surprising but enjoyable playlist surprenante, people explore, one can find the admin at the bar. Techno and wholesome atmosphere.
Around 2 am, the dancefloor is packed and hot : shoutout to the hot stuff playing tonsil hockey between two dance moves. People who like to hear themselves talk migrate to the deck despite the polar temperatures, the rock aficionados do their best figures sequences on 80/90s hits.
- great playlist from the 2010s, very nice back-to-middle-school feeling
- softs and champagne at will, on top of three drinks of your choice
- A cute festoon on a nice boat ([this pun has been censored])
- Monsters born in 2003 who don’t know who Sean Paul is
- The strobe light from Hell
- The small flock of barmen who, despite their best effort, were no match for the hordes of thirsty télécommiens.